Project C03
Striatal dopamine and volitional motor control: vigour, planning, and incentive salience
Effects of progressive dopamine deficiency on networks engaged in vigorous volitional movements as encountered in compensated (prodromal) to decompensated (clinical stage) Parkinson’s disease will be explored. Structural and functional networks implicated in the planning and incentive salience of vigorous volitional movements will be investigated using a combination of computational phenotyping and molecular, functional, and structural neuroimaging technologies. The project will also probe dynamic network states, network topologies, and their efficacy associated with mitigation of motor deficits.
Dr. Merle Hönig
Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Thilo van Eimeren
Principal Investigator
Dr. Kathrin Giehl
Adrian Asendorf
Magdalena Banwinkler
The Role of the Limbic System in Motivated Behavior: A Multimodal Neuroimaging Approach
Dr. Hendrik Theis
Clinician Scientist