Family support
SFB 1451 Motor Control in Health and Disease
©bestber; Shutterstock
The CRC1451 promotes the reconciliation between work and private life for all members. We aim to create a friendly family work environment to particularly support parents (mothers and fathers) with young children or employees responsible for care-dependent family members. We implemented the following measures:
Child Day Care
The CRC1451 will co-finance childcare at the “Kinderhaus” Paramecium as well as Fröbel Kindergarten for CRC-associated children.
Fellowships for Maternity leaves
To support women facing maternity we provide fellowships to get an assistance for the everyday lab routines.
Parent-child room
A special room where scientists can stay with their children, especially when returning to work after parental leave or in all other cases of need: when day care facilities are closed, babysitters are not available etc.
The KidsBox – the mobile parent-child room
The so-called KidsBox is a cupboard that – as soon as it is opened – offers everything that parents need when a short-term care bottleneck and an important professional task make it necessary to take the child to the office.
Helping Hands
You have an acute stress situation in your family and need temporary support at your workplace by an assistant in form of “Helping Hands”? Contact us and we can discuss your individual needs.
Child Care during events
During CRC1451 events and also for last-minute problems with pre-arranged child care, we provide emergency care at the Back-up service as well as a babysitter service, so that parents can take part in conferences and keep work appointments. To further minimize problems with child care, the CRC1451 will schedule regular seminars at family-friendly times (never before 9:00 or after 17:00).
Beside the measurements of the CRC1451 the Dual Career & Family Support serves as the central point of contact at the University of Cologne for information, counselling and services regarding the compatibility of family and career.
Find further details here.

©Michal-Bednarek; Shutterstock
Dual Career & Family Support (CFS)
The Dual Career & Family Support (CFS) at the University of Cologne actively supports dual careers at several levels after recruitment, by helping finding a suitable job for the partner, by improving available daycare facilities for children of scientists, and by maintaining databases for available childcare facilities and reliable babysitters.
The CFS not only focuses on family support regarding childcare, but also for caring relatives. Please also specifically have a look at the CFS-Programme for Parents & caring relatives.
Back-up service of the UoC
Parents with children might face problems arranging dependable short-term childcare. The UoC Backup-Service offers emergency childcare in a group for children between the age of six months and eight years. Back-up service and event childcare is offered and organized to allow parents to participate in CRC1451 organized and external scientific events.
Babysitting service of the UoC
By setting up a babysitter pool, Dual Career & Family Support has widened its range of services for university members.
Reimbursement of private babysitter
Academic staff members of the University of Cologne are eligible for the refinancing of their care costs for activities associated with their employment, necessitating additional care for their children or relatives in need of care.