SFB 1451 Motor Control in Health and Disease
Inclusivity, Diversity and Gender Committee

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. nat. med. Adele Rüger

Dr. rer. nat. Markus Aswendt

Prof. Dr. Kei Ito

Dr. Paola Mengotti
PI C01
PI C01
PI A05
PI B04
Contact us
Should you wish to get in touch with members of the Inclusivity, Diversity and Gender Committee, please send an email to: sfb1451-equality@uni-koeln.de
We will be happy to help you with queries regarding training (Female Career Center), coaching (Faculty and Academic Staff Development) and childcare (Dual Career & Family Support).
Stay informed
Should you wish to receive regular updates on gender equality issues, new services or programmes, please sign-up to our mailing list: Sfb1451-equality-info@uni-koeln.de
An important focus of our CRC1451 is to establish gender equality policies and activities to ensure equal career opportunities.
We promote an organizational culture in which individual, social, and cultural diversity is valued. We raise awareness for (in)equality especially in regard to gender equality, family friendliness, and internationalization as well as interculturality and educational equality. We intend to reach gender equality for positions that will be staffed within this initiative.
All initiatives towards gender equality are fostered by the Prorectorate for Gender Equality and Diversity, the Department for Gender & Diversity Management and the Gender Equality Officer, which is instrumental in enforcing positive selection procedures throughout the university.
We intend to fully exploit existing activities at the University of Cologne to promote career development of female scientists.
Under the following sections you will find an overview of the services provided by the CRC1451, as well as services and contact addresses within the University of Cologne that deal with gender issues, career planning and/or family support:

Go To Career Support
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Go To Mentoring

Go To Family Support

Go To KidsBox
Please contact our Inclusivity, Diversity and gender Committee, the Scientific Coordinator Dr. Christina Stark or the iRTG Coordinator Dr. Claudia Wegscheid for advice and support, financial matters, reimbursement or for further information.